deutsch BIOS-Update Howto - Step by step to a successful BIOS-Update

Never touch a running system!

This golden rule has its reason and says simply:
Don't update the BIOS when your PC is running smoothly!

Only when your BIOS has serious bugs, or newly built hardware such as CPU, RAM, hard drive, etc. is not detected, then a BIOS update should be considered. On the following pages you will find a step-by-step instruction how to update the BIOS.



 1. Preparation Create a safe environment for a BIOS-Update
 2. Choose BIOS-Update method DOS, Windows or per BIOS-Setup?
 3. Start the BIOS-Update Flash your BIOS chip
 4. BIOS Update failed? First aid


Attention: this Howto describes only a BIOS update according to standard, how it should work on most mainboards with AMI-BIOS, AWARD-BIOS or PHOENIX-BIOS. I cannot guarantee that it will work on your PC and I assume no liability for any damages! Please read the README files from your Mainboard manufacturer or PC manufacturer.

User-Comments: BIOS-Update Howto

Einträge: 25

biosflash 4.Mar.2012 06:16

Send me your BIOS-Chip data and mainboard data (manufacturer/type/version) to infoATbiosflashDOTcom

toxikomx 4.Mar.2012 01:01

yes that helps me but my pc is still slower.. and i cant find the bios update.. what can i do? trash it? or smash it..

biosflash 29.Feb.2012 19:17

You should visit the manufacturer website to find the software, or contact the support. Thats all you can do.

toxikomx 29.Feb.2012 19:00

please i need help to update my bios but i cant find a software to do it in windows (not in dos mode) thanks

Karik 27.Dec.2011 15:03

I cannot tell a lie, that really helepd.